
Are You Searching For 

4 - 6th Grade Kingdom Curriculum?


Fetch The Goodness 

help VBS Leaders, Ministry Leaders and Educators teach children to be IN the world but not OF the world.  We actively use puppetry to enrich Bible Curriculum while teaching them how to apply the word of God to their lives

The Moppets of Fetch The Goodness (Amy, Jacob and Sarah) activate the Limbic System in a child's brain while sharing 2-4 minute applicable stories in animated videos (example below), which supports a variety of functions including emotions, behaviors and long-term memory

(Play Video 👇To Learn More)

FTG Is Special Curriculum for Your Creative Student!

In 11 weeks of animated TV shows, just 2-4 minutes long, plus the 11 Week Curriculum, plus using their own puppet, your child will learn to apply The Goodness of God to their life in a way that helps them emotionally process topics like Repentance, Salvation, and each Fruit of the Spirit. 

If you have a creative child who needs a little more help than simply going to Sunday School or Sabbath School classes, then this is the BEST you'll find in 'applying what you learn'. 
xoxo, Kellie

Here's what they'll get...

  • 11 Weeks of Curriculum
  • 11 Week Animated Lessons 
  • 1 Quality Puppet
  • 1 Activity Book
  • 1 Back pack FTG Key Chain
  • Full Access to FTG Community
  • Kingdom Kids Academy (on-line only)
  • Kids Puppeteering Academy (on-line only)
  • Monthly Zoom Calls
  • Podcasts for Parents

 PLUS - You and your child will have full access to FTG's Family Community with animated puppet shows, Bible Studies to enrich their understanding of God's Goodness and a Puppeteering Academy to help them grow their puppeteering skills! 


What Parents Have Said...
  • "FTG opens the door to teaching my kids about who God is and how important it is to have that connection. It is vital."
  • "My daughter loves this curriculum, especially since she gets to use a puppet and learn puppetry at the same time."
  • “We love FTG! You've given us opportunities as a family to have conversations we wouldn’t otherwise have"
  • "FTG is so inspiring to my kids. They do things they wouldn’t have thought they could do, AND they have joy in doing it!"
  • “My daughter taught me things I never knew about Scripture."
  • "FTG teaches us bigger insights through our children as their aspirations about God have been bigger than ours."
  • "My son loves puppets so any time we get to encourage him in his passion we do it. FTG curriculum just happens to make it a double and triple blessing!"

11 Weeks 

We teach topics in this order: 

  1. Repentance
  2. Salvation
  3. Love
  4. Joy
  5. Peace
  6. Patience
  7. Kindness
  8. Goodness
  9. Faithfulness
  10. Gentleness
  11. Self-control

You also receive 

  • 1 Puppet per book 
  • 1 FTG Key chain 
  • 1 Sock Puppet Kit

Puppeteering Lessons


Our curriculum comes with its very own puppet, videos to reinforce what they learn, a community where families learn Core Values and how to stay focused on the Lord. They'll learn puppeteering from our Master puppeteer. They'll also create their own screen plays inside every lesson, taught by a published professional author. Imagine how fun that will be when they perform each of their screen plays for you! 

Bible Studies 

Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street understood their assignment. They knew that children retain information much faster with the use of puppets. So do we! We are bringing puppets back with a Christ-centered focus to help children retain the word of God. 

FTG Curriculum includes Kids Bible Studies, Puppeteering classes as well as praise and worship Zoom calls for kids, inside our FTG Community. We are bringing puppets back with a Christ-centered focus to help them retain the word of God. 


PS. AND there is PLENTY of parent information on homeschooling ideas!